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‍‍‍How to Podcast 101: Podcasting for Beginners on a Budget‍‍‍‍‍‍

Back in June of 2017 I decided that I wanted to foray into the world of podcasting.  I had listened to numerous, mostly movie related, podcasts for sometime and decided that I wanted my voice heard in the online space.  I had my issues with the YouTube community, assuming I could even find success in that wild world and I definitely wasn't good enough to find my way onto an actual news platform.  So I turned to podcasting.  Hey, it seemed easy enough, and I knew couple of people who did it themselves.  When I asked them where to start I got linked an article that, while comprehensive, I found it to be a little above my budget and a little intimidating.  So I've decided to take the information I've gotten from there, plus a few other articles as well as my own experience to put together an article highlighting the things that I think you need to start podcasting.                               R‍‍‍ead more...